Beaver State Comic Con is a family-friendly and kid-friendly event. Our goal is to ensure that everyone has a fun, enjoyable, and safe experience. Please adhere to the following policies to maintain a welcoming environment:
Respectful Behavior: Attendees are expected to follow common sense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, and respect for personal space and private property.
No Harassment: Harassing, bullying, or any other form of offensive behavior will not be tolerated. We take this policy seriously.
Consent for Interaction: Always ask for permission before taking photos, touching, or interacting with anyone. Respect others' personal space.
Prohibited Substances: Smoking, vaping, alcohol, and illegal drugs are not allowed.
Bootleg Products: The sale of bootleg or counterfeit items is strictly prohibited.
Stolen Products: The sale of stolen products, including but not limited to artwork, is strictly prohibited.
AI-generated Art: The sale of AI-generated art (any medium) is strictly prohibited.
Appropriate Content: Public displays of mature content are not allowed.
Zero Tolerance for Hate Speech: Discriminatory or hateful speech or actions towards any group will not be tolerated.
No Political Messaging: Political statements or promotions of any kind are prohibited.
No Pets: Only service animals are permitted on the premises.
Costume Weaponry: No real weapons are allowed as part of your costume. Props must be safe, with no sharp edges or dangerous features. For more info on cosplay guidelines, please click HERE
Environmental Responsibility: Please avoid littering and dispose of waste properly.
Property Respect: Any damage to property is strictly prohibited.
Media Disclaimer: Photographs and/or video will be taken at the event. By attending, you grant Beaver State Comic Con and Colossus Girl Entertainment the rights to use these images for publicity purposes, which may include online and print materials, social media, and press releases.
Program Changes: Guests, vendors, and programming are subject to change.
Ticket Policy: All ticket sales are final and non-refundable. If you cannot attend, you may transfer your ticket to another person prior to the convention.
Ticket Security: Tickets cannot be copied or duplicated.
Wristbands: All attendees must wear their wristbands at all times while at the convention.
Child Supervision: Children under 14 must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times.
Policy Enforcement: Beaver State Comic Con reserves the right to revoke any attendee’s badge, without refund, for non-compliance with these policies. Violations will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Right to Refuse Service: Beaver State Comic Con reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, without explanation.